To Europe

Music: Beethoven
Esperanto text: Umberto Broccatelli
Traduction: Seán Ó'Riain

1.         Let   us   sing   to-       ge-  ther, friends,          Let    us      ce-  leb-   rate   our  joy,
2.     Through-out Eu-rope's   Con-  ti-   nent             Peop-  le     now are      on   the   march,

1.        Nei-  ther   ri-  ver,      nor   the   moun-tains     No more bor- ders,    ne'er   a-  gain.
2.        A    new   fee-  ling     guides them on-ward,     De-  ter-  mi- nation      to     u-   nite.

1.         Oh,   Eu- ro-    pa,        our  own home, You  were di-    vi-   ded       far    too  long,
2.         Un-  der   the shield      of    the    law             We   will    live    in        har-  mo-  ny,

1.         Let  your beau-ty       now shine forth,           From   you  on-   ly          all   have come.
2.        Thus our oath, that's     what we swear, One     coun-try    and  one      des-   ti-   ny.

1.       Your flag now   u-         nites    as    bro-thers Those whom war did   once di-vide, (Your)
2.       There's e-xamp-le          for     the world,      There's di-    rec- tion,   there's the way, (The)

1.        Your own law now     brings to-   ge-  ther        Ci-    ti-  zens   in          full  con- sent.
2.        The whole hu-man       race and  peop-  le       Dwell  in  peace now,     and   in   joy.

Let us sing together, friends,
Let us celebrate our joy,
Neither river, nor the mountains
No more borders, ne'er again.

Oh, Europa, our own home,
You were divided far too long,
Let your beauty now shine forth,
From you only all have come.

Your flag now unites as brothers
Those whom war did once divide,
Your own law now brings together
Citizens in full consent.
Throughout Europe's Continent
People now are on the march,
A new feeling guides them onward,
Determination to unite.

Under the shield of the law
We will live in harmony,
Thus our oath, that's what we swear,
One country and one destiny.

There's example for the world,
There's direction, there's the way,
The whole human race and people
Dwell in peace now, and in joy.